Business Partners / Contractual Partners

Arab-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry e.V.
Ghorfa exclusively and directly pursues non-profit purposes through the development and promotion of economic and financial relations between Arab countries and the Federal Republic of Germany.

Federation of German Wholesale and Foreign Trade
The BGA, the Federation of German Wholesale and Foreign Trade, is the leading organization for the wholesale, foreign trade and service sector in the Federal Republic of Germany. It was originally founded in 1916, and re-founded after the Second World War (1949).

GAA - German-Arab Association
Ahlan wa sahlan!
The primary goal of the German-Arab Association is to facilitate and enhance the continuous expansion of german-arab friendship. The Association is the german institution, which has devoted itself to secure deeper political, social and scientific relations between Germany and the arab world, while, at the same time, doing all in order to intensify the scope of cultural exchange.

KARL KOLB GmbH & Co KG is member of the VGKL.
The association VGKL, and its predecessor, the "Working Pool for Nursing and Laboratory Supplies", was founded in 1947 and entered into the official register of associations, society and clubs in 1950. According to its statutes, the VGKL has the following objective: The association wants to represent and improve the general professional and commercial interests of the wholesale and foreign trade dealing with nursing and laboratory supplies.

Afrika-Verein is the German business association for German companies and institutions with business interests in African countries.
For almost 100 years the association assists its members by providing up to date business information, creating business links and representing the interests of its members in Germany, Europe and Africa.
More than 600 members include the major German multinationals as well as many medium sized companies with trade links with or investments in African countries. On the African continent, Afrika-Verein enjoys well established links with African Governments and the administration, but also with industry leaders, Chambers of Commerce, development corporations and other agencies.

NUMOV, the German Near and Middle East Association, founded in 1934, is Germany's oldest and largest non-profit and independent service provider for the Near and Middle East region.
This association supports the bilateral business activities between Germany and the Near and Middle East (the Arab countries, together with Afghanistan, Cyprus, Iran, Israel, Pakistan and Turkey) by organising seminars, conferences and business delegations.